sábado, diciembre 09, 2006
viernes, diciembre 08, 2006

Lo preconcebido no será
aunque de Virgilio hierban esas aguas
pues no es arte lo que voy a respirar,
sucia y dolorosa amalgama.
Antaño los gritos eran campanas,
las lágrimas, arrollos,
y aunque parezca que los deseos fueron sueños,
la niña jamás dejará de llorar.
Entrañando reses en un prado de cristal,
ingiriendo jirones del más yermo visceral
el innombrable llamará a su escuadra,
mientras del cielo caigan las hojas manuscritas.
Ya lo expresó Haendel en uno de sus retoños,
que encantado por milenios ha,
mil almas pueden de sangre pudrirse,
que la agraciada la Gioconda encarnará.
Uno representará la duda, el otro la falsa verdad,
blandirán Dantescas herramientas de Satán,
y mientras los eternos fetos se retuerzan,
las hojas manuscritas sin parar descenderán.
Pero no os angustieis injenuos bastardos,
lo innombrable no es tan sangrante,
es peor un segundo de total incertidumbre
que de muerte una eternidad.
Me permito vomitar estas palabras,
pues no son poesía de verdad,
el lirismo brilla en el luto,
el duelo de la infinidad.
Ahora corred como míseros que sois,
no mereceis metáfora ni comparación,
pues la literatura es de los sabios,
no de los juguetes de la falsa moral.
Cerrad los ojos y transformad el lloro en melodías,
volved a los tiempos de Gengis Kan,
en los que el oro era mar,
en los que los mancillados de ahora compondrían sin cesar.
Y no lo olvideis, abrazad al innombrable sin temblar,
no leais las hojas manuscritas ni finjais falsa piedad,
es tarde para vuestras tretas,
para vuestros actos de violador imperialista.
Que los dos empiecen a desgarrarse las entrañas,
yo disfrutaré como el mísmisimo niño canalla,
pues como no voya ser un Dios,
si os estoy describiendo vuestro futuro aterrador.
Antaño los gritos eran campanas,
las lágrimas, arrollos,
y aunque parezca que los deseos fueron sueños,
la niña jamás dejará de llorar.
LSTNNG es la historia de miles de historias mientras suena la música. Solo en el Bastión de la Pluma Blanca.
Brand New.
"Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't"
i am heaven sent,
don't you dare forget.
i am all you've ever wanted,
what all the other boys all promised.
sorry i told. i just needed you to know.
i think in decimals and dollars.
i am the cause to all your problems,
shelter from cold. we are never alone.
coordinate brain and mouth.
then ask me whats it like to have
myself so figured out.
i wish i knew..
i hope this song starts a craze.
the kind of song that ignites the airwaves.
the kind of song that makes people glad
to be where they are,
with whoever they're there with.
this is war.
every line is about,
who i don't wanna write about anymore.
hope you come down with something
they can't diagnose, don't have the cure for.
holding on to your grudge.
oh its so hard to have someone to love.
and keeping quiet is hard.
cuz you cant keep a secret
if it never was a secret to start.
at least pretend you didn't wanna get caught..
we're concentrating on falling apart.
we were contenders, we're throwing the fight
but i just wanna believe, i just wanna believe,
i just wanna believe, in us.
Oh, we're so c-c-c-c-c-controversial.
we are entirely smooth.
we admit to the truth,
we are the best at what we do.
and these are the words you wish you wrote down.
this is the way you wish your voice sounds,
handsome and smart.
oh my tongue's the only muscle on my body
that works harder than my heart.
and its all from watching tv,
and from speeding up my breathing.
wouldnt stop if i could.
oh it hurts to be this good.
you're holding on to your grudge.
oh it hurts to always have to be honest
with the one that you love.
oh, so let it go..
we're concentrating on falling apart.
we were contenders, we're throwing the fight
but i just wanna believe, i just wanna believe,
i just wanna believe.
we're concentrating on falling apart.
we were contenders, we're throwing the fight
but i just wanna believe, i just wanna believe,
i just wanna believe, in us.
this is the grace that only we can bestow.
this is the price you pay for loss of control.
this is the break in the bend,
this is the closest of calls.
this is the reason your alone,
this is the rise and the fall.
we're concentrating on falling apart.
we were contenders, we're throwing the fight
but i just wanna believe, i just wanna believe,
i just wanna believe.
we're concentrating on falling apart.
we were contenders, we're throwing the fight
but i just wanna believe, i just wanna believe,
i just wanna believe, in us.
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