sábado, agosto 06, 2005

No te obsesiones con cómo funcionan las cosas.
No pienses en qué hace que la gente realice acciones que no entendemos.
No intentes justificar la Guerra.
El asesinato.
La mentira.
La violación.
La explotación.
La injusticía.
Se tú mismo.
El Mundo es así.
Pero tú tienes tu Mundo.
Y vivirlo es ser feliz
Good Charlotte
The World id Black
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day and
No one really knows why this is happening
But it's happening
And everywhere you go it's just a different place
You get the same dark feeling
See the same sad faces
No one really cares that this is happening
We come into this world
And we all are the same
In that moment there's no one to blame
But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we say, say
Living in this place it's always been this way
There's no one doing nothing so there's nothing changed
And I can't live when this world just keeps dying
It's dying
People always tell me this is part of the plan
That God's got everybody in his hands
But I can only pray that God is listening
Is he listening?
We're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now
I say But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we say, say, say
We come into this world
And we all are the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But we're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now I say
The world is black
And hearts are cold
There's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back (We can't go back)
It won't be the same (It won't be the same)
Forever changed (What will ever change)
By the things we say, say, say
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening

martes, agosto 02, 2005

Wish You Were Here
I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy...happy
I wish you were here
I lay my head into the sand
The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it
I'm counting UFO'sI signal them with my lighter
And in this moment I am happy...happy
I wish you were here
The world's a roller coaster and I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care but my hands are busy in the air

Esta cancion va a todas las chicas que se encuentran en mi vida.

Gracias mis niñas!

lunes, agosto 01, 2005

Dedico esta canción a las pobres víctimas inocentes
del peor engendro
que una veintena de seres humanos
maldice este mundo
generación tras generación.
Víctimas, soldados, médicos, voluntarios
Vuestra sangre no se derrama en vano.
Pues en los corazones de estos bastardos
siempre vivirá el más crudo vacío.
Morirán, y los que vivirán eternamente en nuestro corazón,
no serán ellos,
sino vosotros.
Un beso, sed fuertes.
System of a Down - Spiders
The piercing radiant moon,
The storming of poor June,
All the life running through her hair,
Approaching guiding light,
Our shallow years in fright,
Dreams are made winding through my head,
Through my head,
Before you know,
Your lives are open wide,
The V-chip gives them sight,
All the life running through her hair,
The spiders all in tune,
The evening of the moon,
Dreams are made winding through my head,
Through my head,
Before you know,
Through my head,
Before you know,
Before you know
I will be waiting all awake,
Dreams are made winding through her hair,
Dreams are made winding through her hair.

domingo, julio 31, 2005

Aqui os adjunto una preciosa canción de mis amigos Billie, Mike y Tré.
Sé que nunca me conocereis, ni mucho menos leerme, pero desde mi corazón
os mando mis mas sinceras gracias, es increible lo que me ayudais desde allí donde esteis.
Green Day
Good Riddance (the time of your Life)
Another turning point,
a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist,
directs you where to go
So make the best of this test,
and don't ask why
It's not a question,
but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable,
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
So take the photographs,
and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable,
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable,
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable,
but in the end it's right.I
hope you had the time of your life.
Los atentados del 11-s, el tsunami de Shri-Lanka, Eva Ramírez, el concierto de Green Day en Badalona, el fín de Star Wars, Joaquin Blanco, el éxito en la Selectividad, David Cascales, la Liga del Barça, las clases en el Coromines, el atraco, Raquel Vázquez, el viaje eterno de mi padre, El Señor de los Anillos, Adolfo Vázquez, mi primer beso, Pesadilla antes de Navidad, las olimpiadas de Barcelona, la Champions del Barça, Liliana Marín, la pérdida de mis abuelas, Festimad 2005, llorar, Victor Rodríguez, Port Aventura, la mudanza, el miedo a vivir una guerra, Josep Fontanals, la música, aprobar Bachillerato, los goles de la selección Española, Macarena Rosa, Forrest Gump, San Juan en Castelldefels, el fracaso universitario, Roberto Castro, Incubus, Final Fantasy VII, quien se haya ido, Gisele Barrio, Are we the waiting, la Guerra de los Balcanes, la inundación de Biescas, jugar a fútbol, escribir, Lluís Thomas, System of a Down, Miriam Gomez, los atentados del 11-m, entrar en Mc Donald's, Chop Suey!, La lista de Schindler, la caida del Muro de Berlín y de la URSS, Noelia Gabriel, la integración de internet, Nirvana, Marta Aragonés, el ingreso en la UE, la victoria de Zapatero, Eduard Parra, Nice to know you, estar enamorado, Metal Gear Solid, Judit Villada, Aladdin, Martes y Trece, Arkaitz Larraza, el viaje al norte de España con el instituto, los hechos de Columbine, la Guerra de Irak, la muerte de Ghandi, Gemma Expósito, Rage Against the Machine, Carlos Pozo,la Guerra de Afganistán, el concierto de Good Charlotte, Denia García, sufrir, la catástrofe del Prestige, Basket Case, Gemma Brils, 7 vidas, los Simpson, la muerte del Papa, David Fernández Espigares, Wake me Up when September ends, Foo Fighters, la Guerra del Golfo, David Esteras, Pro Evolution Soccer, Los Serrano, leer, Dani Martin, Mi vida sin Mí, Lost in Traslation, los asesinatos de Alcasser, Twin Peaks, El resplandor, Toni Payá, tocar la guitarra, frases célebres, Helena García, la globalización, los atentados del 7-j, el genocidio checheno, Verónica Pardo, Nothing else Mathers, El concierto de Papa Roach, Futureland, tatuarme, Jordi García, Big Fish, los incendios forestales, la pobreza en el Mundo, Virginia Fernández, Coca-Cola, Minority, Aquí no hay quien viva, Justiniano Morán, leer el periódico, la reelección de Bush, Jose Antonio García, Audioslave, Rage Against the Machine, los atentados de ETA, Miguel Rosa, el Gol de Koeman, The Offspring, Mi mama, Be yourself, algunas miradasy palabras que me dedican, abrazar, Marc Ribes, jugar a Magic, Pulp Fiction, soñar, la imaginación, Aitor Ribera, Futurama, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Ulises gómez, Spiders, navegar por internet...

Y muchos momentos, cosas y personas más...

Pase lo que pase, en lo bueno y en lo malo, sea aqui o en cualquier parte del mundo. Donde alguien sufre o ríe, cosas que me importan, ellos siempre están.
